How can lighting support spontaneous shopping in your store?

In this text, you will find a recipe for increasing your stationary sales rates. It is very simple: you just need to mix two components: a certain type of lighting and a familiar visual merchandising method.
No matter what your current attitude towards e-commerce is, we will start this story with online shopping. The sales path leading through the e-shop is usually designed for months and consumes the time of the entire team of specialists. Among them, a special role is played by the UX designer, the person responsible for user experience. Their task is to evoke curiosity, desire, and emotions that push the internet user to take successive steps (or actually clicks) until their visit ends with a sale.

The “shop the look” trick
Just before adding the selected product to the basket, the UX designer puts the “Shop the look” section right under the nose (or rather under the fingers) of the user. It is a selection of complementary products in one style, most often presented on a model. When browsing the online stores of the largest clothing brands, one would notice that a “Shop the look” is a constant element in the online sales process.
It is a proven way of providing the brand with a high number of spontaneous purchases. Nowadays they happen much more often online than offline, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

„Shop the look” offline
What works in e-commerce can also be used in a stationary clothing store. However, what’s needed is a project that, on the one hand, will guide the client along the path to the checkout, and on the other hand, at the right moment, give him an idea to complete the styling. How can you reach for the competencies of CX and VM without involving additional employees? Use two elements that are available in your space already: mannequins and lighting.

A recipe for spontaneous shopping – using contrast
While the mannequin will play the role of a photo from the “shop the look” section, presenting the perfect styling of matching garments, the appropriate type of lighting will take over the role of the store navigator.
Here, we’re talking about contrast lighting which unmistakably directs the customer’s attention to specific points of the store space. Precisely focused light with appropriately selected power allows you to create combinations of light and dark areas in such a way as to emphasize important products and encourage people to go towards individual sections.